Wednesday 6 July 2011

Monkey Flailing Shoe Robots

Yes this blog name is Monkey Flailing Shoe Robots. Why? Because it is completely random just like this blog :D If your looking for something specific her then you might as well click the back page button. This is me ranting on about random crap that doesnt make any sense and has no specific  topic.

Let's start off with me talking about my inspirations :D
My good friend *whos name i will not say * helped me choose my suuupeeer full of awsomosoity name. I was talking to him, completely stumped with no idea what I would call this blog. It had to be cool, and someting that would attract people not turn them and away and be like " honestly. this blog sucks and so does the name". I told this good friend of mine " It needs to be completely random with words that dont even make sense put together!" And my ohh my did he do that for me! He is a genius in my mind and I think it is a BRILLIANT name. Props bro <3

Secondly my username, Rumbleinthejungle. Yes. It says RUMBLE IN THE
JUNGLE. This, my friends, is an inside joke i have with too very good friends of mine Ley and Weasel. The base of this joke was from a class trip to a little town in Quebec called Tadoussac. I dont know if thats spellt write but i am WAY to lazy to fix it so suck it up ;O
My two friends and I were having a jolly old good time in our room around 10 or 11 at night, just fooling around and doing random crap when we were supposed to be sleeping ( but lets be honest here No one sleeps on class trips) My good friend Ley and I decided to attack our friend weasel. You see, these hotel rooms had only 2 beds so two of us were forced to sleep together ( and crap cable in french to add on to it). That night Ley and I had decided to attack our good friend weasel in her bed. Ley creeped up silently with me behind her and we pounced on her pretending to be animals and going full out on her. ( yes this is EXTREMELY loserish but let me tell you. This was in grade 7. )
Ley and then went back to our own bed and started to chant " Rumble in the jungle, hear the lions ROAAAAARRRRR"
but quite loud not quietly.
Yes i know ive bored you enough with this story so I'll stop now. I just felt the need to explain my random names XD

So if your bored already my random stories and no specific topic i suggest you leave now. Or not if you enjoyed it :D Who knows how much ill write a day. Once, Twice 1092750987980q27482184748 times :D Depends on how im feeling. It kinda feels like an online journal buuut not the same kind of stuff will be written here ;)
Imma go now. Ill probs write later after I get my haircut * sighs dramatically*. Yes there is a story behind that too. But this is turning into a pretty long post so I better stop now. Maybe ill start a new one :D or not.... :O
only time will tell.................
XD sorry i had to include somethingg cornballs there.
Im done now :) xox