Thursday 7 July 2011

Fat Unicorns and Midgets. Yes, VERY rare to find :O

If any of you decided to bother reading about me in my little bio thingy you would have notcied I said a little something about a Fat Unicorn and Midget. Yes you hear me right. YOu were probably thinking "well what the heeelll is she talking about ?" WEll. I am talking about A fat Midget named.... Hollister. a.k.a one of my best friends. But none of YOU may refer to her as Fat Midget. YOu only get the privilige of caling her Hollister. Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahaa yea. Sucks for you.

Well would you like to now how this nickname for her started? Doesnt matter cause your gonna hear it anyway ;)
The brilliant nickname Fat Midget was made up by none other than MOI (Fat Unicorn). You see, Hollister had this lovely picture of her that made her, simply put, look like a fat midget! It was the LOVELY day of haloween and lil cutie midget decided to be SUPER WOMAN! WOOT! Which means, yes, she was wearing a super woman costume. How cute is THAT? Wearing a super woman costume AND looking like a fat midget? I cant think of anything better to be honest ;) So therefore came the following nicknames all based on this picture: Super Midge, Mudge, Fat Midget, Midget and probably a ton others but considering that it's 10:48 in the morning and i just got up, I can't think of them :P

Okay, yes i know now I must talk about how I got the name Fat Unicorn. To be completley honest, I'm not really sure how I got it! I think me and Mudge were talking about her being Super Midge in class and she decided to call me a Fat Gerbel/hamster/fluffy Unicorn. She also decided to write this all over my agenda :O Well, yes, she cut it down to Fat Unicorn. Along with Fat Unicorn, I also have a few more names Mudge enjoy's calling me like: Yewnss (short for Unicorn), Iguana (NO clue how she got that), dragon ( once again. Mudge is crazy), and lizard. Yea quite a variety of names there eh? I also have an ADORABLE picture to go with mine. I just might show you! It is a thing of pure beauty, and to add I must say it portrays me VERY well.

Yes. This is my picture of a Fat Unicorn. Study it. Learn it. Love it.
Alright so I have explained about the Fat Midge and Fat Unicorn buisness. Now you know!
Lucky you! Because only few select people know the true reason behind these silly/wonderful names.
Do feel special!
Ta Ta for now ! xoxoxo <3
(P.S To refer to my title. We are a VERY rare speciman. Just ask anyone that knows us. Im sure theyll agree ;)

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