Sunday 10 July 2011

Cottages :D

Ohkaay so EVERYBODY has a cottage right? Well most people anyway, including me :D
In fact, that's where I am now! WOOT :D Summer time at da cottage :) With my good friend Jukia.

Ah, so you see, yesterday I took my first swim in Lake Simcoe ( or however you spell it) aand BOOOY it was coooollddd. But, we survived Jukia and I. In fact, we decided to go in again! Why am I rambling about swimming in some lake? Well because I feel like it. And its fun XD

So cottage's. A place where you can relax and sit by a lake doing absouloutly nothing. Well for most of the time anyway. Also a place where you can be a pig and raid the convienence store. YEEEESS CANDY FOR ALLL <3
As you can see I'm a little hyper, or as my friend Ley likes to say "high on life" in which I TOTALLY agree with her. ITS SUMMER 2011 PEOPLE GO OUT AND ENJOY IT <3
Later I will go on a boat ride up here at my luuurvly cottage :) In case whoever's reading this and is thinking "Well I've never been on a boat before". Im sorry that is just sad. Please, I beg you, go out and do it. The wind through your hair, the hard bumps from the boat smacking against the water, and the giant airborne feeling you get when you go over cruiser waves and yell " WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! "
Yeah, well I've never actually done the WOO part but instead I hung on for my dear life and silently prayed I wouldnt die with tears slowing dripping down my face.
So now that you've heard about my expierences on the boat, dont you wish you could go out and do JUST that? You see, you can also go tubing or water skiing if you have a boat. Tubing is honestly the most AMAZIGN thing in the world, and dont ever dare try telling me it's not. Im tellign you right now. Tubing cannot be beaten.

I have this story about tubing. From when I was either 10 or 11 I cant remember, but I was up at my friend's cottage on this beautiful teeny tiny little lake. My friend and I decided to go tubing but to our dismay they only had a 1 person tube :O
So we squeezed. Yes figure it out. We went together, on a one person tube. Think. We werent that small anymore, i mean we were atr the blossoming stage! So you can imagine how terrifed we were when the boat started to pick up speed and my butt was hanging over the edge slapping against the water. WE onyl went twice out of the 2 days we spent at her cottage, and guess how many times I managed to fall off? 10! Yes you read right 10. I counted. Boy that was fun! WOOT !
Okay I'll stop rambling now. Jukia is probs getting bored listening to the slap of the keys on my keyboard.
Ta Ta for now lovelies xoxxoox <3

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