Wednesday 6 July 2011

Haircuts :/

Okay so here's the thing with haircut's. Theyre either really good or really bad. Theres no in between with these things.
I had a haircut today. It did NOT go the way I wanted it too. Maybe the way my mom wanted it too but certainly not me. You see, i look a bit of a fright. My hair is too straight against my head. Kinda like leggings that are too tight on a fat girl. Not attractive right? Yea.
Originally, i had luscious long blonde hair. Halfway-down my back. yea sounds pretty nice right? Okay maybe i was exaggerating just a little bit. But it was pretty nice. I did have a few split ends too. But its natural it wasnt THAT bad.
oh god am i really ranting about hair ?
aah weeel.
continuing . SO now it had about 3 inches off of it and not halfway down my back. I like my hair so this has displeased me very much.
Okay enough about my hair thats all im going to say for now.
Ta Ta for now! :D xoxox

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